Sunday, September 7, 2008

MY Holiday

Finally, mid semester holiday is gone. It's the time for us to busy busy and busy for our assignment and homework. After assignment, then final exam coming soon, followed is holiday. This summer holiday i got only 3 weeks or 1 month holiday. Not like last time, 3 months holiday. During pass years summer holiday, my life is full of freedom and nothing to do. Only shopping! S0ooo happy :) But $$ fly away :( However, this summer holiday, i need to take summer course. Therefore, a bit boring. But it's not a bad thing for me too. At least i got no chance to be more lazy and can enjoy with the subject. Because i plan to take 2 subjects during my summer holiday. Not like now, 4 subjects, once final exam coming, STudy like @.@ My name is what also forget. Sometimes don't know study so hard for what? So pressure and stress. Worth? I don't know -.-

During this mid semester break, not that funny. Fell sick, FeweR! At least now recover already, but still got cough, worst! The cough medicine, yuck! Wanna VOMIT! Yuck Yuck Yuck...! Eeee.. ScaRy@.@ Hope can get well soon.. I HATE the cough medicine.. ARGH..

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