Sunday, September 7, 2008

MY Holiday

Finally, mid semester holiday is gone. It's the time for us to busy busy and busy for our assignment and homework. After assignment, then final exam coming soon, followed is holiday. This summer holiday i got only 3 weeks or 1 month holiday. Not like last time, 3 months holiday. During pass years summer holiday, my life is full of freedom and nothing to do. Only shopping! S0ooo happy :) But $$ fly away :( However, this summer holiday, i need to take summer course. Therefore, a bit boring. But it's not a bad thing for me too. At least i got no chance to be more lazy and can enjoy with the subject. Because i plan to take 2 subjects during my summer holiday. Not like now, 4 subjects, once final exam coming, STudy like @.@ My name is what also forget. Sometimes don't know study so hard for what? So pressure and stress. Worth? I don't know -.-

During this mid semester break, not that funny. Fell sick, FeweR! At least now recover already, but still got cough, worst! The cough medicine, yuck! Wanna VOMIT! Yuck Yuck Yuck...! Eeee.. ScaRy@.@ Hope can get well soon.. I HATE the cough medicine.. ARGH..

Thursday, September 4, 2008


不知道要写些什么,心情很乱。不知道应该要什么做才好。每个人的心,都有一个属于自己的世界。而我呢?我是属于哪一个呢?相信幸福和快乐应该不会是属于我的吧。最近,我渐渐的发现,我做了一些我不应该做的事情和决定,而这件事,可能对我来说,是永远都不会快乐的。只要不碰到那一个伤口,就不会有流血的机会。但只有坚强,才能够安定的渡过接下来的日子。距离越来越远,发现自己快要跟不上他人的脚步了。有人说,过去的,就让它过去吧。唯有的是,不应该时常把自己的心情给埋没,应该拿出来与别人分享,因为只有这样,自己才不会那么痛苦。这些道理是对的,可是我知道,我永远都不会那么做。因为原本的我,是一个喜欢把心事给收起来的人。这也是其中一个我不想伤害人方式,可能你们会觉得我很傻,但是,这是我唯一可以走的路。夜晚,很难入眠,胡思乱想。但在整个过程中,至少可以让我看清楚,想清楚,接下来要做些什么决定,才是对的。是放弃? 还是继续?我应该,要学会勇敢!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today get sick, fewer >.< No mood to write blog.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cool Down

It's the time to take action, but let me cool down cool down 1st.. really really angry and in bad mood... ARGH.. stupid! Why i am so soft? how come i cannot be brave? How come? Let people bully still keep QUIET! Am i CRazY? but, what to do? i really don't know.. Sigh.. Who can tell me? I think nobody, 'sai hei'.. because nobody know, except my mum.. she already tell me what to do.. But how come i still like ??? DUN DARE? Why? Scare to hurt people as well? sigh.. I also don't understand.. It's the time for me to change, i need to train myself as well.. I want to be STRONGGGGG... To punish those STUPID who bully me! ARGH...



Monday, September 1, 2008


Today's mood not really good, hope can get over it soon.. :)